Our professional development trainings are all tailored to the specific needs and requirements of your business or organisation. There is no one size fits all approach and we work to ensure that the training we provide is outcome focused for your team.

12 Hour Continuing
Professional Development

Specialised Professional Development Darwin

The Institute of Hope, and our expert practitioners, provide specialised professional development services throughout the Northern Territory and Australia. Our service offerings include Universal Protective Behaviours, Emotional Fitness, Restorative Practice and Psychological Safety.

Outcome Focused Workforce Training

Our formal professional development services are outcome focused and tailored to each individual and organisation. We ensure each session aligns with your organisation's objectives and goals.

Professional Development Tailored to Your Needs

Our development services are tailored to the unique needs and requirements of your business, organisation and team to help build individual and organisational capacity and foster communities that are empowered, resilient and committed to feeling safe and standing strong.

Professional Development
for Feeling Safe and Standing Strong

Universal Protective Behaviours

Protective Behaviours is committed to two core themes:

Theme One: We all have the right to feel safe at all times

Theme Two: We can talk with someone about anything no matter what it is.

Personal safety is a fundamental right we all have along with a responsibility to respect other people's right to feel safe. Quite often, when conflict and tension arrises it's due to someone not feeling safe nor knowing how or who to talk about it with. We believe that when people feel safe they are far more willing to participate in living an adventurous life without feeling fearful. 

As the founder of Protective Behaviours, Peg West once said: You can't be scared into feeling safe.

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universal protective behaviours training

Emotional Fitness

Develop an understanding of emotional fitness, including effectively recognising and managing personal triggers. By embracing the fundamental principle that individuals have the inherent right to experience emotional safety, course participants not only cultivate greater self-confidence but also gain the capacity to effectively employ the practical strategies learned throughout the course for enhancing emotional resilience and overall well-being.

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emotional fitness training Darwin

Restorative Practices in the Workplace

Developing conflict resolution skills, understanding ways to repair relationships, and safely address conflict and tension. These workshops promote a restorative mindset and offer guidance on implementing restorative practices across various settings.

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workplace restorative practices Darwin

Psychological Safety

Introductory Workshop (90 mins)
Unlocking Psychological Safety

Tools for understanding the new Legislation and strengthening teamwork and trust.

Join us for an engaging introductory workshop designed to help navigate the complexities of implementing the new psychological safety legislation focusing on the importance of understanding psychosocial safety in the workplace. This will provide you with methods to assess and strengthen your team’s capabilities. 

Our intention is to support you in identifying and addressing concerns regarding implementing the new legislation.

Together we will help you evaluate how prepared you and your teams are for implementation of the Legislation. We will explore the current indicators your organisation uses as benchmarks. 

We bring a unique and powerful tool called The Language of Safety, with has deep roots in Psychological safety, and is the core component of Universal Protective Behaviours Psychosocial Framework. The Language of Safety has extensive application both personally and professionally, generating positive outcomes for team and organisational well being. This unique approach is used as the guiding principle for team workshops and strategic implementation. 

Bespoke Half Day Workshop for Decision Makers
Mastering Psychological Safety: A Deep Dive into how you and your people can get the most out of this Legislation.

This comprehensive half-day workshop is tailored for decision-makers who are responsible for psychological safety within their organisations. Emphasising the critical role of psychosocial hazards, this session will equip you with knowledge and strategies for safer workplaces.

We bring a unique and powerful tool called The Language of Safety, with has deep roots in Psychological safety, and is the core component of Universal Protective Behaviours Psychosocial Framework. The Language of Safety has extensive application both personally and professionally, generating positive outcomes for team and organisational well being. This unique approach is used as the guiding principle for team workshops and strategic implementation.

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